CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found primarily in the flower and leaves of the hemp plant. It’s one of many powerful cannabinoids found in hemp, and is known for supporting body and in various ways.*


What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid found abundantly  in the hemp plant. CBD is only one of many naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the hemp plant as well as in other plants in the cannabis family. Outside of THC, which is the most abundant cannabinoid, CBD is the second most active and studied cannabinoid.

What Are The Benefits Of CDB And Broad-Spectrum Hemp Supplements?

Many people incorporate CBD into their daily routine to support their endocannabinoid  system (ECS) which is responsible for regulating and balancing many processes in the body. CBD, or cannabidiol, is only one of over 113+ cannabinoids that can be extracted from the hemp plant. Researchers have found that these plant compounds have a better effect on the body when they work together, rather than in isolation. This is known as the “entourage effect”. This means that CBD and the accompanying compounds can support the body more completely than just CBD. Lotus Organix CBD is a broad-spectrum cannabinoid extract that includes CBD and other cannabinoids and beneficial plant compounds like terpenes and flavonoids but without THC, the psychoactive component.


The human body has a vast network of receptors called the Endocannabinoid System. The purpose of this system is to help our body stay balanced and in good overall health, even when external factors and certain lifestyle choices have diminished our wellbeing. CBD and other cannabinoids fit into the receptors of the Endocannabinoid System, helping the body complete its effort to keep us in good health by supporting many of the body’s physical processes. Learn more about the Endocannabinoid System.

How Does CBD Work?

Cannabinoids naturally occur in the human body and interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) through receptors found throughout the body’s tissues and nervous system. CBD works by binding to these receptors and acts as a signal that triggers various biological pathways. It is thought to produce therapeutic effects by simultaneously activating multiple pathways throughout the body.

What Will It Feel Like When I Take CBD?

The exact effect that CBD will have on each individual varies depending on what your body needs. Your body is unique and will have an individualized response when compared to other people. CBD works with your body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) to maintain balance and good health. Based on what is going on internally CBD will act in the Endocannabinoid System assisting in regulating and balancing many of the body’s processes. The best way to find out how CBD will work for you, is to try it for yourself!

Will CBD Interact With My Medication?

Although there are ongoing studies, at this point in time it is not 100% known how and if CBD will interact with certain medications. If you are currently on, or will be taking prescription medication, we recommend that you consult with your physician before adding CBD to your daily regimen.


What is the difference between Broad Spectrum, Full Spectrum and CBD Isolate?

CBD Isolate is the individual CBD molecule that has gone through a chemical process to extract the CBD. It is typically the least expensive and also the least effective form of CBD. Why is isolate the least effective form? Research has shown that when CBD is combined with other naturally occurring cannabinoids, the overall effect is greater than CBD isolate by itself.

Full spectrum utilizes the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, which are then extracted and processed to create a final product that contains all the compounds in the plant, including THC. Our broad spectrum products use this full spectrum oil and further purifies it, removing any traces of heavy metals or other undesirable by-products and also removing the THC.

What CBD Product Is Best For Me?

It really comes down to your personal preference. All of our ingestibles are designed to deliver an effective dose of CBD to have the desired effect on the user. The softgels have the greatest return on investment because they have the highest bioavailability due to the nanoemulsion water-soluble technology.